World Play Your Ukulele Day

World Play Your Ukulele Day

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The observance of World Play Your Ukulele Day takes place on
February 2nd. The ukulele stands as a lute instrument that maintains a smaller
size than both guitar variations. The musical instrument maintains significant
connections to Hawaii since it became known and gained its name meaning
"jumping flea" across the Hawaiian islands. The ukulele entered
Hawaii through Portuguese immigrants who migrated from Madeira as well as the
Azores and Cape Verde. The ukulele instrument originated from Portuguese musical
instruments during the 1880s including machete and cavaquinho and rajão and
timple instruments. The ukulele went from Hawaii to become the instrument of
choice for jazz musicians in the 1920s American music as well as country music

  • Categoría
    Global Celebrations

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World Play Your Ukulele Day

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